Neighborhood Networks held it's first Annual Meeting this past Saturday, following on last summer's founding conference. It was another great success, and both enjoyable and informative. There was some motivational revving up of the troops, but the majority of the meeting was spent in getting down to practicalities:
- there were skills workshop sessions on topics like canvassing, lobbying, and issues research
- there were also issues sessions updating participants on the state of the fight on healthcare, affordable housing, etc.
Great presenters, with many tales from the field, practical tips, and generally lots of information to absorb. Also time for some interesting discussion with presenters, and gatherings with others from one's own neighborhood (although I had to duck out before the end). I hope it will put people in a better position to get aboard with various efforts already underway and to spearhead new work in other areas. Very glad I was there, even if it fell in the midst of an already busy electoral season.
[Missed the meeting, but want to plug in? Visit the
new NN website to locate your neighborhood coordinator and especially to look into the action committees, all of which could use your help; lots of specific contacts are listed
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