The Inquirer is right to call the 1st District Council race a "feud," with lots of personal and political dislike to go around. Ironically, this is a pretty good race, with an incumbent who represents the best of the Old Guard getting a challenge from an experienced neighborhood activist. But all sorts of other stuff plays into it -- what DiCicco did or didn't do when casinos were first proposed (as opposed to his heated opposition after it seemed too late), and whether or not he's involved with the mess surrounding Fumo, and Anastasio's clumsily adapted/plagiarized opinion piece on a proposed city services program, mix of goofiness and substance, and apparent support for the Knox-Blackwell duet. Those who have to vote in this race can attend a (final?) forum tomorrow, which could well be heated -- see that link for the full schedule of other Council forums this weekend too.
"If this was an ordinary candidate, I wouldn't be here, but I've known Maria now for a decade and she's anything other than ordinary," Rendell said. "She's smart as a whip, she's passionate and cares about the right things. She's going to get in there and fight hard for progressive values."
Couldn't put it better myself.
Intriguing new entry: a PAC run by Alan Sandals (former primary candidate for US Senate) appears to be offering some support to a handful of local Council challengers, generally of a reform bent, including At-Large candidates Derek Green, Marc Stier, and Andy Toy, and district candidates Damon Roberts, Maria Quinones Sanchez, and Irv Ackelsberg. A pleasant boost for those campaigns, and a possible new player in Philadelphia's reform efforts.
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