Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Top story: Future of the Delaware riverfront at risk

Marc Stier draws our attention to a disaster in the making: Senate bill 862, described in the media as "fixing some holes in the original casino legislation" also strips Philadelphia of any and all control over how casinos are built (including safety and sewage codes), and extends this exemption to all abutting property, making it possible (via a few easements or token purchases) for the Gaming Board to take control of the entire riverfront. A small example of how the new measure would undermine attempts to run the city is also given here Read Marc's post for more detail -- it's really an outrage, and it already sneaked through the State Senate without anybody's recognizing the enormity of its effects.

Tragically, this bill is poised for passage in the House as well -- they vote tomorrow, and if you feel this needs some rethinking (or would prefer not to see the riverfront turned into an echo of the Las Vegas strip), please call, email, or fax your representatives in Harrisburg. It's critical to act right away, and you can be done in a minute if you use the Hallwatch site.

(In case this effort is too little too late, Marc and others are already brewing up some back-up plans for keeping the casinos in line. But really, send your fax right now!!)


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