Thursday deluge
Really, this time only headlines. Really.
- Carol Campbell still being asked financial questions, although she's taking some first steps toward cleaning up back-issues.
- Lots of frustration over the treatment of gun issues in Harrisburg. Most proposals turned down, although a few increases in penalties approved. John Baer tells more tales of woe. An Inquirer editorial tries to counter common arguments against gun regulation. In related chat, Dan UA gives Street some props for getting other mayors to chime in, which sparks a large debate about Street, leadership, and various other things.
- Regional transportation hubs will receive a Homeland Security grant to upgrade security systems in ports and transit systems abutting the Delaware.
- Stu Bykofsky adds to the criticism of Street's enactment of the smoking ban, noting that a law with out means of enforcement isn't much law at all. A separate Daily News piece notes that Jannie Blackwell could play a key role in the follow-up measure proposed by DiCicco (pushing back effective date until January, exempting sidewalk cafes, and lowering the threshold for other bars to get exemptions); her vote would put it over the top.
- An Inquirer editorial chastizes Street for delaying nominations to the Ethics Board.
- Miscellaneous politicians
- 6th District remains tight, with Gerlach having a slight lead over Lois Murphy.
- The CityPaper looks at Patrick Murphy's run against Michael Fitzpatrick in national terms.
- The Sestak campaign is revved up over an upcoming Clinton visit and other developments.
- Tom Ferrick reviews the Romanelli saga and its implications for the Senate race. The CityPaper's Political Note reviews Bob Casey's recent visit to Philadelphia and looks at the Casey and Santorum campaigns. Meanwhile, Santorum continues to spin fantasies about the Iraq war and how it' been handled.
- 6th District remains tight, with Gerlach having a slight lead over Lois Murphy.
- The CityPaper seems to be having an anniversary, pulling out some historical notes from their 25 years in the trenches. Albert is excited about their new site design, but I didn't notice and could barely pick out the changes...
- Places to be this weekend
Marc Stier gives a great summary of what's happening at Saturday's NN Conference. Should be great -- things to learn, people to chat with, revving up to make change happen. Register, go. (For those who'd like to know more about the group, Marc also gives an assessment of Neighborhood Networks' first 15 months that gives a good idea of what it's been doing and where it hopes to go next.)
- Ray Murphy and PAS will be canvassing in Northeast Philly on Sunday for Casey, P. Murphy, and Brenday Boyle. A chance to get out in the field and drum up some voters!
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