Other Tuesday bits (uncategorizable)
Really, it's amazing to me that subcategories ever present themselves...
- The President of the Philadelphia Chamber of commerce weighs in on the business tax debate, saying that it's an issue of great importance to local business owners, whatever others may claim.
- Local counties, under pressure to replace their voting systems with more accessible and modern ones, just got thrown for a loop with a court ruling that might require voter referendum approval of any change.
- A Daily News editorial bemoans the state of legislative ethics in Harrisburg, comparing the campaign finance and lobbyist regulations unfavorably to those of DC (and elsewhere) where scandals have been plentiful. Access to info is also hard to come by.
- Chris Bowers at MyDD challenges self-proclaimed progressives to put their values into action, and follows that with an excellent list of concrete things that you can do locally, from organizing to calling your local officials. A strong post and a strong call to get involved. (A build-up rant was posted here.)
(via Dan at YPP)
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