Tuesday, August 16, 2005

New political entities

Southern Chester county has had enough growth recently that they are planning to subdivide some current voting districts in time for this fall's election. Residents look forward to having more say in how their townships are governed.

I wonder about Philadelphia, which appears not to have redrawn its Ward maps in a long time (the census-driven City Council and legislative districts are just overlaid on the more static local divisions, since the latter are somehow inventions of the parties). With the recent surge in population in Center City, I suspect that the current Wards and Divisions aren't as well balanced as they once were -- even a single high-rise can radically alter the population of the latter, which aim for sizes of under a thousand. Perhaps it doesn't matter, as long as there are enough voting booths in each Division to account for the possible turn-out, but it would be nice to see some reshuffling from time to time...


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