Friday, May 06, 2005

Pesky money matters

Two tidbits from the department of Truth in Finances:
  • The Inquirer lists a host of pricey perks enjoyed by Harrisburg legislators, ranging from sport outings to big fundraising banquets. It also notes side businesses in which some are involved.

  • Meantime, a bill that would limit donations to campaigns for various Philadelphia city offices has passed through the first of several hoops required to put it into effect. The amazing thing to me is that currently there are no limits at all, for either individual or PAC contributions.
    The measure, which Council's law and government committee unanimously approved, could be brought up for a vote before the full Council in two weeks.
    There were preliminary votes on a couple of smaller measures, too, which are part of the power battle in City Hall.
Have a good weekend, everybody! Philly Future has a heap of suggestions of what you can do to pass the time . . .


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