Don't forget to vote today
I imagine many will, but at minimum, Dems should want some say on Attorney General and State Rep. races, and Republicans should want to get to help pick their US Senate candidate. Turnout so far indicates slim interest in general, but all the more reason for you to speak up.
Also, take this opportunity to be sure that you have valid identification. You will be asked for it today, but not turned away if you have no photo ID; however, in the fall (the big Presidential election, remember?), such ID will be required, so if your current form is insufficient, you can get moving on getting it updated. Anybody who currently lacks sufficient ID can ask poll workers for information on the process for getting a free drivers license stand-in or other forms (or see the Committee of Seventy summary) -- you may need an official copy of your birth certificate to get a new ID, so don't wait to check it out!